Do You Do ANY Work in Pre-1978 Buildings?
Get EPA & State RRP Lead Paint Certified Quickly & Easily. Avoid $37,500 Fines!
Choose Your Closest Class
Have a Group of 12 or more?
WHO must get certified?
All General Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Installers, Handymen, Rental Property Owners / Manager & Maintenance Workers who work, or even bid on work, in Pre-1978 Buildings are required by the EPA & States to be Lead Paint Certified.
Any work that has the possibility of disturbing paint requires Certification to even bid on the job. This could include sanding, scraping, demolition, cutting, drilling and any other activity that may produce dust, debris & paint chips.
The EPA has issued millions of $$$ in fines to companies just like yours.
The Good News? It’s easy to protect yourself, your company and your family. Both our 8 Hour EPA / State Lead Certification Class and the 4 Hour Refresher Class will ensure you can quickly and easily follow the EPA / HUD & State Rules, avoid fines, integrate safe and effective work practices into your jobs and get Certified in just one day.
HOW do you get certified?
Simply attend a 1-Day, Certified Lead Renovator training program and you will be Certified.
Your training will meet all EPA RRP, HUD and State requirements for contractors, installers, handymen, property owners, managers, staff or maintenance personnel and virtually anyone else who is involved in any activity that has the possibility of disturbing lead-based paint. To Register simply find your closest city, select an available date and we will see you soon.
If you are already Certified and your Certificate has not expired, you can take the 1/2 Day Refresher Certification Class. If your Certificate has expired you must take the initial class again.
WHAT Really Works on Your Jobs
Who would you rather learn from? Someone who talks a good game, but has never actually done the work or contractors who have successfully and profitably completed thousands of these jobs?
All instructors teach under the EnviroEd EPA accreditation and are successful contractors…not ex-government or non-profit administrators.
You and your team will discover what really works in the real world and walk out the door with our exclusive:
Protect Your Business. Protect Your Family.
Trusted by 20000+ Companies Like...

"Great class. Helped to have an instructor with real world experience."
Chris Prelitz – Laguna Beach, CA
"Gave me the information I needed to be confident in the work I do."
Christian Lowe – Littleton, CO
"Steve presented knowledge I can take back to work with me and use."
Kevin Springer –Nashville, TN